Image of Coyote Hills located in Fremont.
Calendar & Important Dates

January 01:
The assessment of property applies as of 12:01 a.m. on this day each year. (Effective 1-1-97)

February 15:
Legal deadline for filing exemption claims for welfare, cemetery, college and exhibitions. (Effective 1-1-98)

February 15:
Legal deadline for filing exemption claims for churches. (Effective 1-1-98)

February 15:
Legal deadline for filing an exemption claim for homeowners, veterans and disabled veterans. (Effective 1-1-98)

April 1:
Due date for filing Business Personal Property statements.

April 10:
Last day to pay second installment of property taxes without penalty.

May 7:
Legal deadline for filing business personal property statements without penalty. If May 7 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, a property statement that is mailed and postmarked on the next business day shall be deemed to have been filed between the lien date and 5 p.m. May 7.

July 1:
Assessment roll delivered by Assessor to County Auditor-Controller.

July 2:
Requests begin for hearings before the Assessment Appeals Board on regular fiscal year assessments must be filed in writing with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Alameda County Administration Bldg. 1221 Oak Street, Room 536, Oakland Ca. 94612.

Annual mailing of assessment notices to all Alameda County real property owners stating the taxable value of the property.

August 31:
Regular roll unsecured taxes due.

September 15:
Filing deadline for Assessment Appeals. Must be filed in writing with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Alameda County Administration Bldg. 1221 Oak Street, Room 536, Oakland Ca. 94612.

December 10:
Legal deadline for filing a late exemption claim for homeowners, veterans and disabled veterans.