Meet the Assessor

I am honored and privileged to serve as your County Assessor. The Assessor’s Office is responsible for locating all taxable property in the County, establishing its taxable value, and applying any legal exemption. With over $300 billion in assessments, we are one of the largest assessment agencies in the state. We are committed to establishing accurate and fairly assessed property values.
My staff and I are here to assist you with your questions and concerns. Our goal is to provide you the best customer service.
Please send us your suggestions as we continuously look for new ways to improve this site and our office.
Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to serving you and addressing your needs. Please contact us anytime – we are here to help!
Phong La
Alameda County Assessor

Assessor’s Biography
Phong La was elected on November 6, 2018, to serve as the Assessor for the County of Alameda, and is committed to making government work for the people of Alameda County.
The work that the Assessor’s Office helps generate revenue for Alameda County, its 14 cities, and six unincorporated communities. These major funds provide for crucial services such as schools; public health, social, and family support services; fire, police and sheriff departments; road maintenance; neighborhood improvements, and more.
Since taking office, Phong’s priorities include increasing customer service and office efficiency. The Assessor’s Office is implementing e-Forms, which allow applicants to file forms online from the convenience of their office or home. Phong is also securing resources to address the issue of increased staff workload generated by historic highs in real estate construction and business activities. In addition, the Assessor’s Office is working with the Assessment Appeals Board to schedule and hear appeals cases more quickly and ensuring a more timely resolution for taxpayers. Phong has completed digitizing historic real property records currently maintained only in hard copy. This project will ensure that vital assessment details and property files are protected and available to the staff when valuing both residential and commercial properties off site.
Phong obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of California, Davis and his Juris Doctor from the UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings). Phong worked as an attorney in one of California’s largest real estate law firms, for the United States government, for a privately held real estate holding company and his own small businesses. Phong has also worked as an adjunct professor teaching Real Estate Law, Economics and Property Management.
Phong was born in Vietnam and came to the United States as a refugee at the age of two. He grew up in Union City, lived in Fremont for many years and currently lives in Alameda with his wife Stephanie and daughters Olivia and Charlotte.
Assessor’s Responsibilities
- Locates and identifies the ownership of all taxable property in Alameda County
- Determines the taxability of all property
- Determines if property is subject to reappraisal at fair market value when it changes ownership
- Determines if property that undergoes new construction or alteration is subject to reappraisal
- Annually assesses all real estate in accordance with the California Constitution (Proposition 13)
- Annually assesses all taxable business personal property at its fair market value
- Determines and applies all legal exemptions
- Surrenders an accurate assessment roll to the Auditor-Controller’s Office prior to July 1st
Contrary to popular opinion, the Assessor
Does not compute property tax bills
Does not collect property taxes
Does not establish property tax laws
Does not set rules by which property is appraised