Image of the High Street Bridge located in Alameda.
Assessor’s Maps
All current Assessor’s Maps are on display at:
Alameda County Assessor – Public Records
Administration Building
1221 Oak Street, Room 245
Oakland, CA 94612
Office hours are 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Maps may be purchased for $3.00 per copy for a 14″ x 18″ size, or $1.00 per copy for an 8.5″ x 11″ size. Maps may be purchased either in person at the above stated address or by sending a written request to:
Alameda County Assessor
1221 Oak Street, Room 145
Oakland, CA 94612
Attention: Mapping Unit
Enclose a check for the appropriate amount payable to: Alameda County Assessor
The Assessor’s Office provides Assessor Parcel Maps on-line, free of charge, from our website. Go to Property Assessment Information and search by Assessor’s parcel number or by property address to download the map.